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August 16, 2005
Life Update - I bet you can't wait!
Hello to all,
I've once again decided to update my website, not because my life is terribly exciting, but because it's just been so long, i don't want my readership decreasing too much (!).
I'm now back in montreal - it's pretty humid and hot here. I'd like to send a shout out to the hero of the summer - the AC unit! It's made the heat bearable.
i love you danby diplomat!
In other news I've recently started filling my life up with a little volunteering at the Royal Victoria Hospital in the geriatric ward. I'm responsible for getting the seniors to participate in the various activities that are offered to them. On Thursday we went on an outing to the botanical gardens (Ile de Notre Dame). The seniors enjoyed it a lot, and I had a good time too. Most of the patients are pretty with it, and were very enjoyable to be around. I'll hopefully also be volunteering leading activities at a community centre.
Bikin' News
Also, I've recently learned that the National Team is sending me back to Europe! I'm going to ride in support of the Canadian World Championships team in the two final World Cups (in Plouay, France, and Rotterdam Netherlands) before the World Championships in Spain. I hope that I can be of service to them.
Lastly (but not leastly - is that a word?) my sister assface - I mean Jenny - is coming to visit on Friday. The highlight of her trip will definitely be the penguins at the Biodome - I can't wait!
I'd just like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my birkenstocks - I live in them! Thank you birks, I love you!
I love you birks!
Well, that's all... until next time (which will likely be a while)!
Posted by lisa at August 16, 2005 08:06 AM
Posted by: Sarah at August 23, 2005 12:05 AM