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June 09, 2006

Happiness and Relief

So, the wait is over. It was extended an extra three weeks, but now it's finally over.

For those of you who are in the dark, the wait I am speaking of is the wait to hear about acceptance/refusal from UBC medical school (my second time applying).

The day of reckoning was to be the 15th of May, the day that they notify you of your status: accepted, refused, or waitlisted. My status was updated to 'WAITLISTED'.

Waitlisted is much better than being refused outright, but it's considerably more stressful. Waitlisted candidates are not given any indication of the number of people that are waitlisted, nor are they given their position on the waitlist.

After the first round of offers are accepted or rejected (deadline May 31st), the waitlist starts moving. I was told my the Admissions Office that it would likely begin June 6th.

June 6th came and went with no change of my waitlisted status. And then finally, June 7th - after returning from a lovely time at Atwater Market with Alistair and Anita - the news came. OFFER!


So it's final. I've been accepted to the Vancouver-Fraser Site of UBC Faculy of Medicine.

It's nice to have firm plans for next year. Now I'm going to enjoy the rest of the summer!



These are the shoes that I'm getting married in:



Posted by lisa at 06:53 AM | Comments (8)