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February 28, 2006
Gold Medal!
Here it is, my gold medal:
And here is my vest (vest of the post, if you will):
That's it for now. No shoes today - slow computers make Lisa angry.
Medical school interview yesterday, California tomorrow.
Fun times...
Posted by lisa at 11:16 PM | Comments (0)
February 10, 2006
Let the games begin
It's that time of year again - Olympic time! While I'm very excited about the prospect of hockey celebrations (ahhh...fond memories of the last time), I'm most excited about a new kind of Olympics - the KNITTING OLYMPICS!
I will hopefully be completing this vest:
from Vogue Knitting Fall 2005
with this yarn:
Rowanspun DK Shade 736 'Goblin'
The games officially start at 2:00pm (all time zones) TODAY!
Wish me luck!
Shoes of the post:
In this special edition of Shoes of the Post I am enlisting your help and good taste.
Please help Jenny decide which shoes to buy!
I vote for black ones! Please let your voice be heard by voting in the comments section.
P.S. you can find these shoes on www.shoes.com - they ship internationally!
Posted by lisa at 11:29 AM | Comments (7)
February 01, 2006
Coolest Thing Ever
A while back, a catalogue came to our house. A magnificent catalogue filled with amazing things that no one needs. The catalogue in question is distributed by Hammacher Schlemmer. I don't know anything about this company except that it sure distributes cool junk.
One particular thing caught my interest:
he must be going fast, look at his tie!
Yes folks, it's the "Levitating Hover Scooter"
Hailed by the New York Times as "miniature flying saucer with handlebars" this amazing machine can transport a single rider up to 15mph on flat and slightly inclined surfaces for up to 1 hour on a full tank of unleaded gasoline. Stopping is apparently 'easy' and requires the distance of 20ft.
What would you pay for this experience?
Try $16,999.95
Moulded Mole, UNDERDOGMA
friendly furry slippers - they're made from moles!
Posted by lisa at 01:55 PM | Comments (3)